Do you want to address physical complaints, disappointing relationships, traumatic experiences that still hinder you, in a safe, thorough and effective way? Didn’t weekly talks, or treatments gave you the desired results and are you looking for a method and process in an intensive and personalized format, that does work?
Welcome for an intensive retreat tailored just for you!
Come to Amsterdam! Experience exclusive, natural and safe 1-on-1 counseling from me!
The ingredients of your retreat
With your help request, goal and personal preference, we will put together the ingredients of your retreat, EFT is on the menu in every case. The other options are:
- Family constellations
- Morning routine practise
- Relaxing Yoga and Meditation
- Introductions and suggestions on food and natural food supplements
- Singing bowl relaxation
- Chakra Healing And of course there is the possibility of planning a cultural outing
Your stay
You are welcome in my comfortable, cozy home. Sessions take place on the first floor. On the second floor is the comfortable, stress-free B&B.

The attractively decorated room is a wonderful place to retreat to after the sessions. The spacious room is fully equipped.
Is this retreat suitable for you?
For people living outside of Amsterdam who want to address their complaints intensively and thoroughly in a personal, safe environment. Feedback from clients shows that they make much faster progress in personal sessions with me than in online sessions. I offer you the opportunity to work intensively with me and achieve concrete and lasting results in a short period of time.
The content of the program is tailored exactly to your needs and desires. We determine this in advance in an extensive online introductory conversation.
Midweek from Monday 10 am to Wednesday 5 pm: € 795,=(incl. sessions, excl. food) B&B costs: € 50 per night (1 person)
Want to discover if this 3-day exclusive retreat is right for you? Then request a free online consultation now. Call +0031638326242 or send an email to